5 Ways to Increase Productivity at Work

We all want to reach our maximum potential with respect to our productivity, but achieving a balance among work and other tasks in-between can be demanding. These productivity tips will assist you in finding that happy medium where work is manageable and you can accomplish your goals:

Take brain breaks

Take brain breaks throughout the day — they are essential for avoiding burnout. Leave your work station, wander around, take a short walk outdoors, or munch on your favourite snack. Allow your mind to let-go of the stress for a period of time before returning to your work with renewed energy and focus!

People often believe that in order to be efficient and productive, they must work longer hours. However, an increased number of work hours does not always manifest more work done. Concentrating on the task at hand and setting planning out tasks for the day can help you make the most of your time.

Prioritise difficult tasks

Work on taxing projects when your mind isn’t already burdened with lots of other info — when you’re well-rested you’ll be more efficient and imaginative. Choose a time that you feel like your most productive self: for some people this will be first thing in the morning, and for others it might be later in the day after they’ve got the more mundane stuff out of the way. Either way, find a time that works for YOU and schedule the most difficult task then to be able to give it your best effort!

Implement the 2-min rule

Find small windows to complete tasks that don’t occupy more than 2-minutes of your time! As per entrepreneur Steve Olenski, figuring and instantaneously accomplishing activities that take two minutes or less saves time. So, if it only takes two minutes, do it right away! This is great when your to-do list is inundated with lots of smaller mindless tasks. Churning out these quick tasks and crossing them off the list can also help you feel more accomplished and like you’re in control of your day.

Drop the multitasking habit

The golden rule of peaking at productivity is focusing on one task and then moving on to the other. Not only does multitasking create confusion and mishaps, but also tends to distract one more than they can realise. 

Set your priorities and focus on one task at a time!

Break up the larger tasks

One way to make demanding tasks feel less overwhelming is to break them up into smaller actionable tasks, which makes the goal look more achievable and keeps you motivated.

These simple tips can help you improve productivity at work, and make you feel more in control of your day. But remember — not everyday is the same, and you won’t find yourself functioning with the same efficiency on different days, and that’s completely OKAY!

Don’t be too hard on yourself and make sure to take enough time off so you can energise and fill up your own cup. Have a wonderful week! 💪🏼


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