The Complete Guide to Essential Oils

You get back home after a hectic day and soak into a warm bath, the sweet smell of lavender melting the exhaustion away. Or, you’re having trouble falling asleep as your brain is too wired from the coffee you had at 7pm. A few spritzes of chamomile on your pillow can bring on the zzz’s. Yes, essential oils can really work wonders.

For the uninitiated, essential oils are all-natural plant extracts, and have been around for nearly 6000 years. Aromatherapy is the art of using these highly concentrated plant extracts to enhance your psychological and physical wellbeing. Many of these oils have varying degrees of antimicrobial activity, with antiviral, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties. They can treat skin issues, soothe inflammation, and ease muscle tension etc. Apart from these, essential oils are also great for promoting mental wellness, helping those who have problems with anxiety, mental focus, and sleep.

Essential oils are used in many ways – for topical applications, through inhalation, and in cleaning products. It’s important to note that essential oils (when pure), are highly potent – they’re extremely concentrated, which means a couple of drops goes a long way, and should always be diluted properly with a carrier substance (oil, moisturizer, water) before direct skin application.

With a huge selection of essential oils available, it can get a tad confusing when it comes to picking the right one. Read on to know which essential oils to use, and for what:

For skin woes

 The biggest application of essential oils are in skincare and beauty products, and with good reason. Many oils contain antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and can function as a remedy for a variety of skin issues (like acne, dullness, discoloration etc.).

Essential oils for skin woes: tea tree, lavender, rosehip, geranium, and bergamot.

  • Incorporate a few drops of oil into your facemask, or mix it with any carrier oil (such as almond oil) and use it as face/body oil.
  • Use a natural facemask with honey + tea tree oil to prevent breakouts. Dab a drop when you spot a blemish to zap away redness.
  • Apply a face pack of aloe vera gel with a few drops of lavender to brighten the skin, reduce discoloration and restore the natural skin tone.
  • Mist on a hydrosol with rosewater or lavender to soothe inflamed skin.

There are however, some precautions to take when using essential oils for your skin. Make sure you do a patch test to check for any allergic reactions. Oils such as bergamot, lemon, and other citrus oils are phototoxic, which means that they may have negative reactions when exposed to sunlight – they must only be used at night.

You can find some good blends of essential oils from Aroma Magic by Blossom Kochhar, which are available for different skin ailments like acne, oily skin, dry skin and sensitive skin.

For a mental boost

Ever found yourself in a meeting when you realize that you have no idea what is being discussed because you’ve mentally checked out? Or have you experienced brain fog when the 4pm energy slump hits? If you answered yes to these, essential oils might be what you need.

Essential oils for improved concentration: frankincense, rosemary, lemon, patchouli, cypress, and peppermint.

  • Add a few drops of frankincense oil to a tissue and give it a sniff; inhaling the fruity earthy smell can help improve focus and boost concentration.
  • Use a room spray with lemon essential oil to promote mental clarity. It also increases energy levels and uplifts mood.
  • Patchouli essential oil can be added to a warm bath in the evening, to restore your calm and ease muscle tension.
  • Cypress essential oil can be used with a diffuser; just breathing in the woodsy, minty smell helps clear up brain fog.

Many of these oils can be used as a blend of two or more oils:

  • Try the Clarity Synergy blend; made of bergamot, basil, lemon and grapefruit oils is for when you require clear and decisive mental activity.
  • The Brain Aid Synergy blend; made of peppermint, bergamot, juniper berry, lemon, rosemary and basil oil, is great for clearing up brain fog and improving focus.

Plant Therapy produces these blends, and they can be ordered online through their website as well as through Amazon.

For inducing asleep

If you have trouble getting a good nights’ sleep, or wake up exhausted, it might be time to consider aromatherapy. Because they are natural, essential oils don’t have common side effects associated with sleep medications such as daytime drowsiness.

Essential oils for calming the mind and inducing sleep: lavender, clary sage, chamomile, bergamot, vetiver, and jasmine

 Essential oils for alleviating snoring and sleep apnea: peppermint, olive, eucalyptus

  • Spritz some lavender spray into the air/on your pillow for improved shut eye
  • Add a few drops of chamomile with Epsom salts to your bath for complete relaxation
  • Switch on a diffuser with your favorite sleep-inducing oil as you wind down with a cup of tea
  • If nasal congestion or sleep apnea is hindering your beauty sleep, add 1-2 drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to a pot of boiling water, then sit with your face over the pot and a towel over your head inhaling the steam. This will help with congestion, clears out your airways and provides immediate relief.

A thing to remember is that many essential oils adapt to the person using them, which means they have different effects on different people. For instance, vetiver oil relieves insomnia for some, while making others feel more alert and awake. Experiment with a different oils to find something that works for you — Kasaya Naturals has a variety of pure essential oils that are calming and stress-relieving.

For relieving anxiety

Aromatherapy is very effective in promoting feelings of calm and relaxation, and can help to alleviate stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling tensed, a whiff of a soothing essential oil, or a quick massage can do wonders in helping you de-stress and regain your balance.

Essential oils to de-stress and calm anxiety: rose, clary sage, ylang ylang, lavender, sandalwood, vetiver, chamomile

  • Massage a tiny amount of ylang ylang blend to your temples and forehead to reduce stress
  • Add a few drops of rose essential oil to a warm bath, or mix it with your body oil for a full body massage. It helps with mood swings, headaches and balancing hormones.
  • Rub in clary sage essential oil blend or balm on your pulse points or feet to calm anxiety with its beautiful earthy smell. It acts as an antidepressant by promoting feelings of wellbeing and inner peace. It’s also great for menstrual cramps.
  • Lavender oil is a must have if you experience anxiety regularly. Use a lavender roller ball on your temples and wrists to restore the nervous system by lowering the blood pressure and heart rate.

Note, if you are allergic to any of these oils, you can put a few drops of it on a cotton ball, and keep it in an open jar in your room or use it in a diffuser.

Experiment with different types of essential oils to find something that you love, but make sure you do your research well. Even though essential oils are all natural, they are never ok to ingest. When used safely, essential oils can be a wonderful tool that can significantly affect both the mind and body, and this alternative therapy is worth a try!

Authored by Bhavna Sharma



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