Buy a pack of these eco-friendly steel straws for home, work, and your bag

This is a part of Sprig & Vine Favouritesa column of recommendations from our team on their favourite things to eat, drink, read, watch, and shop. 

We all know that plastic is incredibly bad for the environment, but single-use plastic is the worst offender. These items have a short life-span and are disposed after just one use, making their way to landfill where they take hundreds of years to break down. Plastic straws are one such nuisance single-use item that are completely unnecessary, yet have become ubiquitous in daily consumption.

There are very few beverages that warrant the need for using a straw when you can very well sip it from the glass itself, yet, almost every café, roadside vendor, and restaurant can’t get enough of these straws! However, if you do need to use a straw, these reusable, washable, stainless steel straws from Bare Necessities are a MUST have. You can even buy multiple pieces and keep one in your purse so that you can BYOS (bring your own straw) when on the go.

It doesn’t take a lot to make the switch to using these stainless steel straws, but it will go a long way in reducing your plastic consumption. Bare Necessities is a great zero-waste promoting brand, and they even have different varieties of these eco-friendly straws: straight, bent, chunky! They also sell handy straw-cleaning brushes for easy cleaning, and packs of bamboo straws that are single use, but environmentally friendly – making them great for use in parties and other social gatherings.

For other ways on how you can break your plastic consumption habits, check out this story.



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