We can’t get enough of this unsweetened and organic peanut butter!

This is a part of Sprig & Vine Favouritesa column of recommendations from our team on their favourite things to eat, drink, read, watch, and shop. 

I know that feeling too well — when 3pm rolls around, and you’re hit with the afternoon energy slump. It’s all too tempting to hit up the vending machines, or reach for the nearest excessively sugary or salty snack for a fix. Thinking about the unopened bag of chips in your desk drawer, or the half-eaten pack of Oreos you know are in your bag.

I don’t know about you, but I’m always on the lookout for healthy snack ideas to change up afternoon snack time (I get bored of eating the same thing).

Here are some ideas that I love:
  1. Trail mix – keep a mix of nuts, seeds, and some dried fruit handy. The protein, fibre, and healthy fats in this snack will keep you full until dinner time. You can even add some dark chocolate chips to it if you want something sweet and salty.
  2. Hummus and veggie sticks – an ideal afternoon snack in my book! You can easily make a big batch, and eat it throughout the week with carrots, celery, cucumber sticks or even grapes. Spread it on toast for something more substantial!
  3. Smoothie – make yourself a green smoothie to get in a generous helping of veggies too. I like to add a banana to my smoothie for its creaminess, sweetness, and also because it keeps you full longer.
  4. Energy balls – these are so so good if you’re always craving something sweet as a snack. They are naturally sweetened, full of fibre, and easy to make ahead and store in your bag. So much better than a candy bar!
  5. Nut butter – this one’s a new favourite. It’s got protein and healthy fats to keep you full longer, and not crave a sugary snack. A tablespoon of peanut or almond butter is great when spread on toast with some fruit, or when added to your smoothie or yogurt and fruit bowl. I also love it plain, with apple slices!

Recently, since nut butters became my new favourite snack, I’ve been on the lookout for a natural, unsweetened organic peanut butter. Most of the commercial butters you get in jars are laden with sugar and preservatives. They also have an ingredient list that is way longer than it should be.

For those reasons, I love The Butternut Company’s unsweetened and organic peanut butter. It’s got only one ingredient – peanuts! It’s creamy, tasty, and so satisfying. I’ve been eating it with apple slices, spreading it on toast, adding it to oats… and I’m not bored yet!

SHOP IT HERE: Organic Unsweetened Peanut Butter, The Butternut Co.



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