What is oil pulling and how to do it

Oral care is always thought of as a chore: something you know you have to do twice a day, and that’s about it. It’s no doubt a part of our daily routine, but it’s something we rush through mindlessly. While we certainly devote time to beauty rituals for the face and lips, let’s face it, when have we stopped to think about daily rituals to take care of our teeth or bad breath?

Well, that’s about to change once you add oil pulling to your oral hygiene routine. Oil pulling might be trendy now, but it’s nothing new. In fact, it’s an ancient Ayurvedic practice that dates back over 3,000 years, alongside another oral hygiene favourite, tongue scraping. According to Ayurveda, health of the mind, body and spirit all starts with the mouth, which in turn facilitates good digestion — a cornerstone of good health. In Ayurveda, oil pulling is thought to have a detoxifying effect, literally “pulling” toxins out of the body through the blood vessels in your mouth.

What is oil pulling?

Oil pulling is the act of swishing around a tablespoon or so of a high quality oil in your mouth for an extended period of time, allowing it to massage your gums and draw out unwanted bacteria and toxins from the mouth.

Oil pulling should be practiced first thing in the morning, even before you brush your teeth and on an empty stomach. Swishing oil around your teeth, gums, and molars allows any bacteria, toxins and plaque to be loosened up (and get cleansed when you brush and rinse). The oil is said to emulsify after a couple of minutes of being swirled around, and mixes with the saliva to clean your mouth. At first, the oil may feel thick but as you continue to swirl it, the oil thins out and turns into a milky white colour. A minimum of 5 minutes is required for this to happen and for oil pulling to actually provide benefits, though ideally you should work up to 15-20 minutes.

Once you’re done, make sure you spit the oil out into a paper towel or trash can and not in the sink to avoid build up and clogging of the drainage, especially if you live in a colder region where coconut oil is solid at room temperature. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t swallow the oil as it contains all the toxins you want to expel, and you definitely do not want to re-ingest it!

The benefits of oil pulling

The mouth houses tons of different bacteria, germs, pathogens, and other organisms. The act of swishing oil in your mouth pulls out toxins and removes bacteria build up that happens after a night’s sleep, helping to detoxify the mouth. One study shows that 40 days of regular oil pulling resulted in a 20% reduction of unwanted bacteria in the mouth. Some studies show that oil pulling can also be beneficial in reducing plaque build-up, and coconut oil is the recommended oil for reducing plaque induced gingivitis.

Oil pulling naturally reduces inflammation, helping those with swollen or sensitive gums.

It also helps teeth become whiter, makes breath smell fresher, and strengthens oral cavity. While oil pulling can’t fix existing cavities, it may help improve oral hygiene and prevent formation of new cavities. While this daily ritual helps maintain the mouth’s natural pH and flora, it is in no way a replacement for regular dental therapy. Additionally, regular oil pulling practice is also beneficial for dry mouth and throat, chapped lips, and in prevention of sore throats.

With so many benefits and absolutely no side-effects, adding oil pulling to your morning routine is a no-brainer.

Choosing your oil

Unrefined, cold-pressed, virgin coconut oil or sesame oil are the best choices for oil pulling. Coconut oil is preferred as it’s low in omega-6s which causes inflammation, and is also better for removing plaque build up. It’s also cooling, which makes it a great choice for the summer.

Olive oil or sunflower oil can also be used in a pinch, but isn’t ideal. The quality of the oil is of utmost importance, and should not be compromised.

How to do it:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and place it in your mouth
  2. Swish it around for at least 5 minutes, making sure to swirl it between your teeth and gums. If 5 minutes seems too long, start with 2-3 minutes and work up to 5; eventually move up to 15-20 minutes
  3. Once you’re done, spit out the oil into the bin (do not ingest it)
  4. Finish by scraping your tongue, brushing your teeth, and rinsing like you normally would

Swish, spit, repeat — it’s literally as simple as that!


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